Get ready…budget season is here again

With summer half way over we start the second half of the year looking to finish strong and begin our preparations for the 2014 budget season.  Yes, it is that time again!  One of the traps we all try to avoid is just taking this year’s budget and adding 5%.  Where did that 5% number come from anyway???  During these tough economic times leaders must look for creative ways to produce realistic budgets that deliver income growth and tighten expenses.  The question is how do you get managers to take a sober look at their current spending habits?  How do you get them to look for creative ways to discover income growth potential?Tighten the Budget

These questions remind me of the 2nd habit from Dr. Stephen Covey’s book, “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.”  The 2nd habit is “Begin with the end in mind.”  This next statement may absolutely sound crazy.  You have to remind your team that you are in business to make a profit.  I know right now you are saying “really???”.  Yes really!  Managers get tunnel vision.  All they see is the task and what they need to purchase to accomplish it.  They also get so caught up in renewal and occupancy percentages that they fail to consider income growth potential.

Before you delve into the budget process take the time to communicate to your managers the purpose of your organization.  Start with the mission statement.  Use this opportunity to help each team member understand how their particular role and department is critical to the financial success of the organization as a whole.  This will allow them to escape the tunnel vision from day-to-day operations and gain a new perspective from a 10,000 ft level.  This new perspective will help them see creative avenues to reducing expenses and discover potential for income growth.  Challenge them to think outside the box on how to deliver upon your mission of delivering a great product or service to your customers while producing income growth to the organization.

Need help focusing your team on the mission?   Reach out to me by clicking here.

Does your team actually like you?

Is it important that your team actually like you? You bet it is. People follow those they like and respect. I have met too many managers who take the approach that I am the boss and my team will follow me for that reason. I have the power to fire anyoi-love-my-boss-130942999750ne that does not recognize my authority and that is enough. WOW!!!!

Consider this. In order to be a successful organization you need a team of highly skilled and motivated people. Highly skilled and motivated people are in high demand. If you were in high demand would you work for someone you did not like and respect? Of course not.

Your team will like you if you are simply a nice person. A person that follows the “Golden Rule”…Do unto others as you will have them do unto you. Take a genuine interest in their personal and professional life. Invest your time and experience in helping them attain their goals. Treat each team member with respect and let them know they are valued.

How do you earn their respect? Your team appreciates structure and boundaries. They want to understand how they are performing against your expectations and how they can improve. If they make a mistake they want the opportunity to correct it.

Being liked and respected by your team does not require that you ignore performance issues. You should address all performance issues. The key is your delivery. It starts with setting clear expectations for your team. Next you give them authority and resources to complete their tasks. If they do not meet the expectation have a direct conversation with them. Your goal is not to punish but to change their behavior. You want to provide guidance without attacking or devaluing the team member. They will respect you for being direct and coaching them to success.

It is vital that your team likes you. Fear and intimidation may get you temporary results but eventually all of your top talent will find opportunities to work for someone they like and respect. Remember people do not leave a company they leave their boss.

Have Fun At Work

Earlier this year the oldest of my three sons turned 15. We have a standing tradition in my house. On each person’s birthday I wake them up to a blaring rap song entitled It’s Your Birthday. Imagine being awaken from a dead sleep at 5:45am with someone jumping and dancing in the middle of your bed singing along to It’s Your Birthday. Yep, that is what I do each birthday. Oh what fun…at least for me.

Just because we have fun at our house does not mean we lack rules and order. Our kids do their home work, get good grades, and do their chores. It is important that as the leader of my family they get to see me come down from being Dad The Enforcer and enjoy me being silly and having fun.

Fun At WorkIn the same way you as a leader can create a fun and exciting culture by letting your team see you have fun. I do not mean showing up to work dancing down the hallways. Although, now I think about it; it may not be a bad idea!!! Great leaders look for ways to build a culture where their team has fun working hard. Here are a couple of ideas to help you create a fun culture.

  • Make a commitment to yourself to have fun at work( your team will follow your lead)
  • Create opportunities for your team to interact outside of a work assignment
  • Have an 1-2 hour ice cream social this summer
  • Take your team out to lunch or dinner to celebrate completion of a project
  • Have a talent or karaoke competition
  • Celebrate the opening of a sports season with Wear Your Favorite Team’s Jersey Day

The more opportunities you provide for your team to learn and have fun with each other outside of work projects the more fun they will have with work projects. Your team will learn more about each other and build personal bonds that will help them to work better as a team.